Tuesday, May 24, 2011

3D Graphing

I am exploring the concept of three dimensional graphing on a 3D plane. When we first delved into this concept at the beginning of 2011 I was baffled at the thought of graphing a 3D object on a 2D plane, my grade reflected my confusion of this concept. I chose this to explore more in-depth for that very reason, so I can in a way redeem myself for my Waterloo of 3D graphing. 3D graphing is the type of graphing that is used in many professions, and in my opinion is the most useful type of graphing, whether it is on a blueprint for plans for a building, digital media, animations, special effects in movies, or even video games.
The refinement process was indeed a success for the betterment of my project; I went through many different low poly models before I found the proper, models to use in a singular 3D environment. I created a variety of textures in Photoshop, the different textures helped with creating depth even though the surface was flat. I also did lots of work with depth fields, were I basically experimented with eye focus.
It made me discover the wonders of 3D graphing, and that we are 3D in nature and these concepts can be used to better understand our world, as well as to create some lovely art.  I learned how vertices work and how to graph on a x y z axis.
I plotted many lines on a graph, originally it was just a wire mesh, and then it evolved and got a texture on it and creating a solid object.  I really performed this project best with a number pad typing in many numbers that were plotted in the 3D environment.

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